The Chicago Bruise Brothers host the first of 3 Bros vs. The World to kick of 2018!
Skating visitors will participate in a WFTDA/MRDA rules scrimmage v. the Chicago Bruise Brothers. To register, please fill out the following form:
There is no gender requirement for participation. The scrimmage may be filmed and photographed, any resulting materials will be made available to all participants via an unlisted Youtube link.
Visiting officials, medics, and photographers are welcome! If you attend and assist, the CBB will offer their Chicago Roller Derby t-shirt at no cost.
This survey will close 11:59PM on Wednesday, February 8th. You will receive an email with a waiver / image release .pdf. If you haven’t filled one out for the Chicago Bruise Brothers, please print, sign, and bring that form to the venue on Sunday.